Sunday, February 17

Urban Mom Out on the Town - morning edition

Village Papa and I have been brainstorming cures for cabin fever. One brilliant offer was the three hour solo date I got yesterday morning.

The second I opened my eyes I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth, bundled up and headed outdoors. I kind of had a plan, but mostly, I just wanted fresh air (in Chinese astrology I'm a dog, I need my walks). I made it to a fab new coffee lounge only to discover it didn't open until 9am - obviously the owners are not catering to parents.

Kept walking and enjoying keeping my mittened hands snuggled in my pockets.

Considered a gorgeous window table at a greasy spoon, but I'm a food & coffee snob, if I'm going to eat greasy food I will not accept lousy coffee.

Finally found my way to a very reliable coffee locale. Found a comfy spot where I set up my papers (editing project I've been hired for) and highlighters. I must have looked like a dinosaur, people don't read off white 8 1/2 x 11 pieces of paper anymore, they read off swanky lookin' laptops.

Slowly drank my coffee and nibbled my muffin. No rush, no whining, just the sunshine warming me through the glass window.

Despite the bonechill cold I wandered back outside, soaking up vitamin C, inhaling fresh cold February air, and photographing a 'sunny urban morning in the Beach(es)'.

1 comment:

amy turn sharp said...

sounds wonderful
I could see it in my mind