Monday, October 23

Literary Mamas: Part 1

Thanks to mama M, one of my closest mom friends who I got to hang out with today at the park. It was rather cold and windy; the kind of day you wear gloves (but your kids refuse to and their hands turn bright red), and you get wind burn, but we stilll had fun playing in the sand with our big boys while wearing our new babies, and as always shared our highs and lows. Mama M is very cool, smart, funny, is a fantabulous/super listener, and I always feel a gabillion times better after having visited with her. Like any addict who wants their friends to like the same things they do, I especially love Mama M because she too loves coffee and treats, and we are very happy to talk about these two subjects and share them.

Being a mother, wanting to, rather, needing to write, wanting to make good food, knowing the bathroom sink (imagine a frat house) needs scrubbing, craving homeade cookies, craving a fresh hot cup of coffee, hoping to read a recently published book again someday (see photo), wanting to hug my husband, well, these are topics that always come up with all the literary mamas I have the privilege of chatting with. One such mom is Dianne Scott. Dianne is very talented, very hard working and she's got a great laugh, so if you're a literary agent please contact her immediately, before you regret not getting the rights to 'Baby for Beginners' her motherhood book. Nuff said ;-)

The Custodian of Paradise, by Wayne Johnston

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I read. Or at least I used to.
email me if you want to get together. I can be reached at kat at snickers (yes like the chocolate bar)dot org.