Sunday, February 24

Sexy Mom Songs

While we prepare, stir, chop, wash, mess and clean up, create and bake, me, the person I was before kids gets a bit jealous. The way to her heart is via music, thus my current obsession with Marvin Gaye's 'Got To Give It Up, Part 1'.

This groovin' tune makes me want to get it on with myself. No, not in a x rated way! In a dance by myself, all day kind of way, kind of like this. Make sure to read some of the hilarious comments.

So, fess up, what's your song. The sounds that move you from the inside out, outside in?


Jamie said...

You know what really does it for me? Barry White's "Can't Get Enough of Your Love". Every single time. Love it.

Amy said...

Justin Timberlake-oooohhh soooo sexy :)

PS- Just wanted to thank you again for the great contest. I got the money in my mailbox yesterday and I am hitting Starbucks with my treat :) I really appreciate it!! Hugs!

village mama said...

Jamie, I know e-x-a-c-t-l-y what you mean by every single time. That's the thing about "those" special songs, it's that they never fail us. Amazing!!

Amy, thanks for sharing JT love. I usually hear him at the supermarket, and he makes me want to move, even in public, so I can only imagine the fun I can have indoors!
ps so glad you got the treat money ;-)