Tuesday, October 17

I'm singin' in the rain...

I love, love, looove!, walking through a rain storm. This morning was no exception. Despite the buckets coming down, I got myself and jr. Cookie Monster ("jcm") dressed for the rain. Lucky him with his could-not-be-cuter fire truck boots.

It's Tuesday, recycling/garbage day, the best day of the week to take a truck enamoured child for a walk. We had plenty of immense vehicles to comment on! By the time we got to playschool my little angel was bone dry, I was wet, and still had to walk home, but I was looking forward to getting even more rejuvinated by my wet walk.

On the food front, for dinner I'll most likely make red lentil soup, steamed squash, and pear crisp. And for lunch, my favourite: leftovers! Which today consist of an all organic array of green lettuce, cherry tomatoes, yellow pepper with steamed tofu, chick peas and brown rice to be lathered in tahini dressing.

In the last couple of weeks I've become a Food Network addict, ironically so, since most of the shows are about preparing meat dishes. The best tip from last week (no idea which show) was 'add cornmeal' to soups to thicken them up. Did that with a watery green lentil soup, and hello!, the guests were impressed - little did they know they were lapping up day-old-day-old goodness!

I've promised myself to be more positive this week [will only say nice things about others], so, good for Rachael Ray and her popularity! But [ok, this is less positive] what's with her obsession with bacon, and chicken stock in tetra packs?! It shocks me to see someone my age so in love with cooking with flesh. Should I send her a care package with quinoa, an assortment of cooking oils and hemp seeds? Or maybe just a nice pumpkin...


Anonymous said...

Send her the pumpkin, at least she'll recognize it. Glad you enjoyed the rain, we spent the day running from lesson to lesson on the red rocket. Nice to see there are other mothers like me in TO.

bazu said...

Here here! I won't ruin the positive tone of your blog with my litany of things I hate about Rachael Ray... but I can't believe how bad and unhealthy some of her creations are! Save the quinoa and all the goodies for yourself, though, they'd be lost on her! ;-) ...And what's the deal with her and grill seasoning...?