Friday, February 29

Leaking My Private Love: Links

Happy Friday!
Woo hoo!!!
I'm so excited (high on delicious home brew coffee and Rogers' historic, Canadian chocolate, and it's only 9:52am)!

So, very grateful for this week; instead of giving you a messy incomplete list in which I'll forget to thank the A listers, here's just a tiny, delicious, magically nutritious delicious list of that fuel me:

Technorati - this wonderfully designed, easy to navigate, classy site has saved me so much time!

doobleh-vay - serious blog crush -- poetry mama, rock & roll, photographs, thrifting, vintage toys, word-heaven on the world wide web. Lots of people have Amy love.

the long thread - serious blog crush -- her stormy day dolls have given me a serious case of paper doll lust.

Insight of the Day - these daily quotes are like a shot of vitamin B - vitamin D - caffeine - salty ocean spray - kick in the pants - hug - lust - ashtanga yoga high - kid snuggle/giggle all rolled into one. I have a serious crush on Bob Proctor - Village Papa is aware.

six and a half stitches - hand done creations and poetry

ps I'm taking a sabbatical to work on some priorities. Have a great March!


amy turn sharp said...

I will miss you terribly
Please don't be gone too long
email me some!

Gift of Green said...

Have a great March?! As in...see you in April? Say it ain't so!!

the long thread said...

Thanks for the link! Looks like we share many of the same interests.