Tuesday, May 13

BBQ Pizza will transform your life!

Kids' & Village Mama's Dinner: Vegan BBQ Pizza, corn on the cob, cucumber coins and brown rice. Kids' Dessert: Homemade Grape Popsicles

Village Papa's Dinner: Spelt BBQ Pizza (red onions were fried on the bbq side burner)

Since watching/being mesmerized by Bob Blumer AKA the Surreal Gourmet BBQ'ing pizza last year, I have hassled Village Papa about our lack of BBQ - non stop. Poor man...

Last night was transformational on two major accounts: Village Papa who bugs me about my obsessive pizza making/eating, did not bug me, instead he devoured and applauded his Spelt BBQ Pizza; and, I certain I will never order take out pizza again, ever, because now I know there is nothing tastier than BBQ Pizza.

- Had no sugar on hand, so I prepped the yeast, sugar free, and it was still great.

- Used the sauce I made late last week.

- Heated the BBQ until the thermometer read just under 500. Placed the stretched out dough on a greased up cookie sheet. BBQ'd the pizza for about 5 minutes, added sauce, then BBQ'd for another couple minutes. Did the same with the spelt version except BBQ'd with sauce and toppings for a bit longer.

At 7am this morning I was already prepping more dough for round 2.

Have a fantastic, hopefully BBQ Pizza day!


amy turn sharp said...

love yr pizzas- wish we were neighbors and could throw down a pizza night together...I loved living in our old home bc we had neighbor meals all the time! This place- not yet! :)
am going to make wontons tonight

blissbelly said... pizza....gotta make some pizza....

village mama said...

Amy, I too wish we were neighbours; we'd share much pizza and adult drinks too, and load of fun creative outdoor times wouldn't we!